true mom story
True experiences from pregnancy through delivery, to breastfeeding through eating, to baby through toddler, and mucho más (I know, cliché but true 🙂 )
see our cool freebies
We would love you to have nice things for your baby shower (or your friend’s), and for your home to be more organized. So please grab one of our nice printables for you to enjoy!
NOTE: También están en español!

Hello, I'm Ana Cristina
This blog is meant to help new moms and dads start a more successful parenting life and answer most of the questions I’m sure you’ll have. You’re not alone. Hi, I’m Ana Cristina, a mom of two: Maurizio & Isabella. We live in el calorcito de Miami and I’m sharing my true experience of being a SAHM to help you get through this wonderful (and sometimes chaotic, messy and tired) journey.